Installing foundry

On your command line, run:

curl -L | bash

You can find more information on the official zksync foundry website

Create a new project

forge init
forge build --zksync

This will create a new simple Foundry project with a Counter contract.

Set configs

Use the following configs on your foundry.toml

testnet = { key = "${ETHERSCAN_API_KEY}", url = "${TESTNET_VERIFIER_URL}", chain = 531050104 } 
sophon = { key = "${ETHERSCAN_API_KEY}", url = "${MAINNET_VERIFIER_URL}", chain = 50104 } 

testnet = "${TESTNET_RPC_URL}"
sophon = "${MAINNET_RPC_URL}"

Create an .env file and set these env vars:

PRIVATE_KEY= # your deployer private key
ETHERSCAN_API_KEY= # your etherscan API key
PAYMASTER_ADDRESS= # Sophon's paymaster address

# sophon testnet

# sophon

Counter contract deployment

Basic deployment

source .env && forge create ./src/Counter.sol:Counter --rpc-url testnet --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --zksync

Deployment and verification

  • Same as Basic deployment but you append the --verify flag
  • Note that this will only verify on Sophscan
source .env && forge create ./src/Counter.sol:Counter --rpc-url testnet --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --zksync --verify

Deployment using paymaster

  • Same as Basic deployment but you append the --zk-paymaster-address flag
  • Note that the paymaster allows you to perform gasless transactions, no need to have a SOPH balance
source .env && forge create ./src/Counter.sol:Counter --rpc-url testnet --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --zksync --zk-paymaster-address $PAYMASTER_ADDRESS --zk-paymaster-input $(cast calldata "general(bytes)" "0x")

Deployment with paymaster and verification (all-in-one)

source .env && forge create ./src/Counter.sol:Counter --rpc-url testnet --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --zksync --zk-paymaster-address $PAYMASTER_ADDRESS --zk-paymaster-input $(cast calldata "general(bytes)" "0x") --verify

Deploy contracts using foundry Scripts

Deployment using script

source .env && forge script ./script/Counter.s.sol --rpc-url testnet --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --zksync --broadcast

Deployment using script and verification

source .env && forge create ./src/Counter.sol:Counter --rpc-url testnet --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --zksync --verify

Deployment using script with paymaster

To use the paymaster within a script you have 2 options: using a cheatcode or making a low-level call:

Using a foundry cheatcode

  • Install forge-zksync-std library

  • Use the vmExt.zkUsePaymaster cheatcode

  • For simplicity, you can copy paste the following script:

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
    pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
    import {Script, console} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
    import {Counter} from "../src/Counter.sol";
    import {TestExt} from "lib/forge-zksync-std/src/TestExt.sol";
    contract CounterScript is Script, TestExt {
        Counter public counter;
        function setUp() public {}
        function run() public {
            // Encode paymaster input
            bytes memory paymaster_encoded_input = abi.encodeWithSelector(
            vmExt.zkUsePaymaster(vm.envAddress("PAYMASTER_ADDRESS"), paymaster_encoded_input);
            counter = new Counter();
  • You can now run the following command

    source .env && forge script ./script/Counter.s.sol --rpc-url testnet --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --zksync --broadcast

Using a low-level call (in case you can’t install the cheatcode library)

  • For simplicity, you can copy paste the following script (note that here we are using address(vm).call):

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
    pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
    import {Script, console} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
    import {Counter} from "../src/Counter.sol";
    import {TestExt} from "lib/forge-zksync-std/src/TestExt.sol";
    contract CounterScript is Script, TestExt {
        Counter public counter;
        function setUp() public {}
        function run() public {
            // Encode paymaster input
            bytes memory paymaster_encoded_input = abi.encodeWithSelector(
            (bool success, ) = address(vm).call(
            require(success, "zkUsePaymaster() call failed");
            counter = new Counter();
  • You can now run the following command:

    source .env && forge script ./script/Counter.s.sol --rpc-url testnet --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --zksync --broadcast

Deployment using script with paymaster and verification

source .env && forge script ./script/Counter.s.sol --rpc-url testnet --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --zksync --broadcast --verify

Contract verification

If you want to verify an already deployed contract, you can do so on Sophscan (an Etherscan-like explorer) and/or on Sophon’s Explorer.

  • on Sophscan
source .env && forge verify-contract COUNTER_CONTRACT_ADDRESS ./src/Counter.sol:Counter:Counter --watch --rpc-url testnet --zksync
  • on Sophon’s explorer
forge verify-contract COUNTER_CONTRACT_ADDRESS ./src/Counter.sol:Counter --watch --verifier zksync --verifier-url $TESTNET_VERIFIER_URL --zksync

with lib: forge build —zksync —libraries ./contracts/util/SignatureChecker.sol:SignatureChecker:0xb0A2cf27Bf984bd0c56dCFb37C9DA0F2c5028844

Contracts with constructor params

If your contracts receives constructor params, you can use the --constructor-args flag:

  • Modify your Counter contract to receive a constructor param:
    // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
    pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
    contract Counter {
        uint256 public number;
        constructor(uint256 _number) {
            number = _number;
        function setNumber(uint256 newNumber) public {
            number = newNumber;
        function increment() public {
  • You can now run:
    forge create ./src/CounterWithConstructorParams.sol:Counter --rpc-url testnet --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --zksync --constructor-args "$(cast abi-encode "constructor(uint256)" "123")"
  • To verify or use paymaster, you can use the flags --verify and/or ----zk-paymaster-address as explained above.